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Setting up a TS3 server on Linux CentOS - Printable Version

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Setting up a TS3 server on Linux CentOS - rooney12 - 19.05.2012

Well, I have recently been in-need of a TeamSpeak 3 server. So, why not set it up in my VPS? Well, I thought that would be easy, but it wasn't.. Followed hundred tutorials, but doesnt really work..

Please, may you help me via TeamWeaver, please?

Re: Setting up a TS3 server on Linux CentOS - kikito - 19.05.2012

Now please, stop spamming on my msn ok?
ps -- I've sent the link via msn too, just for you SEE it

Re: Setting up a TS3 server on Linux CentOS - rooney12 - 20.05.2012

Got an error on the last step (Starting server)

[root@usunited init.d]# /etc/init.d/teamspeak start
Starting Teamspeak Server
/etc/init.d/teamspeak: line 14: below: command not found
/etc/init.d/teamspeak: line 24:
        # if the 'su -l ...' command fails (the -l flag is not
recognized by my su cmd) try:
        #   sudo -u jboss /bin/ > /dev/null 2>

sudo -u teamspeak
/home//teamspeak3-server_linux-amd64/ start
#/server/default/lib/ > /dev/null &: No such file or directory

Re: Setting up a TS3 server on Linux CentOS - Guest9328472398472 - 20.05.2012

All you do is...

1) Upload it.

2) Use "cd" to locate the directory (For ex. "cd /root/teamspeak")

3) Type "sh start" to start the Teamspeak.

Very Simple!

Optional: To change query pass, use "sh start serveradmin_password=[Password Here]"

Re: Setting up a TS3 server on Linux CentOS - rooney12 - 20.05.2012

Originally Posted by Brandon Javorsky
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All you do is...

1) Upload it.

2) Use "cd" to locate the directory (For ex. "cd /root/teamspeak")

3) Type "sh start" to start the Teamspeak.

Very Simple!

Optional: To change query pass, use "sh start serveradmin_password=[Password Here]"
Still deosnt work.. May you try helping me? Teamweaver?

Re: Setting up a TS3 server on Linux CentOS - Guest9328472398472 - 20.05.2012

Originally Posted by rooney12
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Still deosnt work.. May you try helping me? Teamweaver?
What error does it give you? Make sure the .sh file is executable.

Re: Setting up a TS3 server on Linux CentOS - Mark_Weston - 20.05.2012

All I do is in my centos to start is go to the TS3 directory and use this:
./ start

Re: Setting up a TS3 server on Linux CentOS - playbox12 - 20.05.2012

Have you unpacked the teamspeak files, it comes in a .tar? If you can, use FTP to connect to your server and see if the files are actually there. (mine had an preinstalled FTP server).

Re: Setting up a TS3 server on Linux CentOS - rooney12 - 20.05.2012

Well yeah.. I have tryed everything, and yes.. It's unziped + chmoded..

Brandon, it gives same message..

Teamviewer, anyone?

Re: Setting up a TS3 server on Linux CentOS - rooney12 - 21.05.2012


Please anyone, teamviewer?