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Server gets closed when I connect NPC's - Printable Version

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Server gets closed when I connect NPC's - Gangs_Rocks - 19.05.2012

Okay, I made an NPC yesterday called "GroveStreetBoss" with connecting name " [BOSS]Grove". It was working perfectly.

Now, today I made ANOTHER NPC called " BallaBoss" with connecting name "[BOSS]Balla".

Now the problem is:

I have a command /loadbots for admins to load the [BOSS]'s. Here it is:
pawn Код:
            ConnectNPC("[BOSS]Balla", "BallaBoss");
            ConnectNPC("[BOSS]Grove", "GroveStreetBoss");
            SendClientMessage(playerid, GREEN, "Bots loaded successfully! ");
    else return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "You need to be an RCON admin to use this command! ");
    return 1;

I do /loadbots and the samp-server.exe closes.

The log file is here:

[12:27:08]  Los Santos Gangwars
[12:27:08] ----------------------------------

[12:27:08] Number of vehicle models: 12
[12:27:30] Incoming connection:
[12:27:30] [join] Gangs_Rocks has joined the server (0:
[12:27:34] RCON (In-Game): Player #0 (Gangs_Rocks) has logged in.
[12:27:42] Incoming connection:
[12:27:42] [npc:join] [BOSS]Balla has joined the server (1:
Here's my npcmodes folder:

Re: Server gets closed when I connect NPC's - JAMMIEISFTW - 19.05.2012

Strange, worked for me when i tried it...

Re: Server gets closed when I connect NPC's - Gangs_Rocks - 19.05.2012

Originally Posted by JAMMIEISFTW
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Strange, worked for me when i tried it...
I don't know what's causing it. Checked EVERYTHING, But still, I don't find a fucking problem. I can send my code to someone whom I trust but someone who can ACTUALLY help :/

AW: Server gets closed when I connect NPC's - Nero_3D - 19.05.2012

You should try the crashdetect plugin

Re: AW: Server gets closed when I connect NPC's - Gangs_Rocks - 19.05.2012

Originally Posted by Nero_3D
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You should try the crashdetect plugin
Doesn't show anything :/

Re: Server gets closed when I connect NPC's - MP2 - 19.05.2012

Can't see why this is happening. What is maxnpc set to in server.cfg?