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(PRESSED) PROBLEM! - Printable Version

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(PRESSED) PROBLEM! - Youice - 18.05.2012


I have created this code:

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
        case KEY_HANDBRAKE:
            if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0, 245.10000610,72.30000305,1004.20001221))
				if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= SCRIPTER)
                	switch(Open{0})//Check whether the gate opened or closed
                    	case true://If the gate opened
                        	MoveObject(LSPDdoor, 2245.50000000,72.59999847,1002.59997559, 5);
                        	Open{0} = false;
                    	case false://If the gate closed
                        	MoveObject(LSPDdoor, 244.00000000,72.59999847,1002.59997559, 5);
                        	SetTimerEx("LSPDClose", 3500, false, "i", playerid);
                        	Open{0} = true;
            	else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Access Denied");
and I defined this "PRESSED"


#define PRESSED(%0) \
    (((newkeys & (%0)) == (%0)) && ((oldkeys & (%0)) != (%0)))
but why Im receiving this error?:

error 017: undefined symbol "PRESSED"
any explanation?
Thank you! : )

Re: (PRESSED) PROBLEM! - SuperViper - 18.05.2012

You can't 'switch' a function. You need to use if and else if.

Re: (PRESSED) PROBLEM! - Youice - 19.05.2012

Well I cant use " if " and " else if " because I used cases which I think if I used these functions it will make it more complicated. Thank you any way

Re: (PRESSED) PROBLEM! - HDFord - 19.05.2012

use this
pawn Код:
after PRESSED you need to put the key.

Re: (PRESSED) PROBLEM! - Finn - 19.05.2012

It won't make it any more complicated. Actually you have made your code very complicated by using cases way too much:

pawn Код:
switch(Open{0})//Check whether the gate opened or closed
    case true://If the gate opened
        MoveObject(LSPDdoor, 2245.50000000,72.59999847,1002.59997559, 5);
        Open{0} = false;
    case false://If the gate closed
        MoveObject(LSPDdoor, 244.00000000,72.59999847,1002.59997559, 5);
        SetTimerEx("LSPDClose", 3500, false, "i", playerid);
        Open{0} = true;
pawn Код:
if(Open{0})//Check whether the gate opened or closed
    MoveObject(LSPDdoor, 2245.50000000,72.59999847,1002.59997559, 5);
    Open{0} = false;
    MoveObject(LSPDdoor, 244.00000000,72.59999847,1002.59997559, 5);
    SetTimerEx("LSPDClose", 3500, false, "i", playerid);
    Open{0} = true;

Re: (PRESSED) PROBLEM! - Youice - 19.05.2012

Originally Posted by HDFord
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use this
pawn Код:
after PRESSED you need to put the key.
okay, but I used "case" function so if I used "if" or "else if" the case will gets me errors

and Thank you for your info.

it worked by just adding this:


Re: (PRESSED) PROBLEM! - Youice - 19.05.2012

Originally Posted by Finn
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It won't make it any more complicated. Actually you have made your code very complicated by using cases way too much:

pawn Код:
switch(Open{0})//Check whether the gate opened or closed
    case true://If the gate opened
        MoveObject(LSPDdoor, 2245.50000000,72.59999847,1002.59997559, 5);
        Open{0} = false;
    case false://If the gate closed
        MoveObject(LSPDdoor, 244.00000000,72.59999847,1002.59997559, 5);
        SetTimerEx("LSPDClose", 3500, false, "i", playerid);
        Open{0} = true;
pawn Код:
if(Open{0})//Check whether the gate opened or closed
    MoveObject(LSPDdoor, 2245.50000000,72.59999847,1002.59997559, 5);
    Open{0} = false;
    MoveObject(LSPDdoor, 244.00000000,72.59999847,1002.59997559, 5);
    SetTimerEx("LSPDClose", 3500, false, "i", playerid);
    Open{0} = true;
and thank you but mine is easier in my opinion : )