[HELP] /hydra /rhino /hunter - Printable Version
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[HELP] /hydra /rhino /hunter -
miley1 - 18.05.2012
Im using Raven RP and I made Some hydras / hunters / and Rhinos in the easter Basin , Now there are also commands Like /rhino /hydra and /hunter , So when The Vehicles die they wont respawn i think the problem is /hydra /hunter and /rhino
If i delete those lines it shouldt be fixed , So i deleted those Lines And still when i respawn a Created or scripted hydra it wont Respawn pls help?
Re: [HELP] /hydra /rhino /hunter -
JAMMIEISFTW - 18.05.2012
Maby they dont respawn because... Its set not to till admin does /gmx ( /rcon gmx )
Re: [HELP] /hydra /rhino /hunter -
ViniBorn - 18.05.2012
Is a VW problem?
Re: [HELP] /hydra /rhino /hunter -
miley1 - 18.05.2012
No it wasnt made for /gmx i think , and No i think not a vw Problem before when i had those /rhino and hydra etc It said /DV Or else u get banned coz they wont respawn [ It was Ceurvo his idea ] Anyway so when i killed it , it never respawned and u cant create another one
Re: [HELP] /hydra /rhino /hunter -
mitosking - 18.05.2012
Raven is bugged on new versions and it's very difficult to edit it.
Re: [HELP] /hydra /rhino /hunter -
miley1 - 18.05.2012
Mito I aint asking for that , U just wish to know whats wrong
Re: [HELP] /hydra /rhino /hunter -
iGetty - 18.05.2012
Why don't you just add OnVehicleDeath
Re: [HELP] /hydra /rhino /hunter -
miley1 - 18.05.2012
Because other cars does respawn just those doesnt its bugged like hell
Re: [HELP] /hydra /rhino /hunter -
iGetty - 18.05.2012
Are they used in a variable?
pawn Код:
new Vehicle1;
Vehicle1 = CreateVehicle(...);