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vehicle component crash - Printable Version

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vehicle component crash - ajwar - 18.05.2012

Hi, still having problems with vehicle tune. If a player is near a car with invalid tune he get's some warnings and finnaly crash.

Code i use to load:

pawn Код:
for(new i; i < 14; i++)
                if(mod[i] >= 1000 && mod[i] <= 1193)
                    AddVehicleComponent(vCarID, mod[i]); //Adds the component
Is there any tune validation function/stock?

Re: vehicle component crash - MP2 - 18.05.2012

Some mods only work on specific vehicles.

Re: vehicle component crash - ajwar - 18.05.2012

how to fix that?

Re: vehicle component crash - MP2 - 18.05.2012

Don't add them.