MySql Problem - Printable Version
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MySql Problem -
ColdRain - 17.05.2012
Here i got problem in mysql like everything work when i register my name come in the DataBase
but when i use gmx in my server to restart it its say for me register again
help me
Re: MySql Problem -
Mandrakke - 17.05.2012
without the codes we can not do anything.
Re: MySql Problem -
ColdRain - 17.05.2012
What codes should i give there is 1 million codes!
Re: MySql Problem -
Mandrakke - 17.05.2012
perhaps the codes who makes the register and login functions?
in advance, put it anywhere in to your script;
pawn Код:
public OnQueryError(errorid, error[], resultid, extraid, callback[], query[], connectionHandle)
printf("%d %s %d %d %s %s %d", errorid, error, resultid, extraid, callback, query, connectionHandle);
return 1;
and paste here the console output.
Re: MySql Problem -
Shabi RoxX - 17.05.2012
Use mysql_close(); in OnGameModeInt();
Best way is to make a cmd save your data and settimer to restart server and Mysql_close();
An example :
pawn Код:
if(GetP_VarInt(playerid,p_Adminlevel) > 4)
SendClientMessageToAll(C_WHITE,"Server Restarting in 1 minutes for Maintenance.");
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
return 1;
public RestartServer()
GameTextForAll("~w~Server ReStarting",2000,0);
return 1;
Re: MySql Problem -
Mandrakke - 17.05.2012
I have sure that mysql_close() missing is not the source of the problem, once that function is not really necessary. My server uses MySQL and don't have mysql_close() in any callback or function (because the MySQL connection is in an FS and if I reload it with mysql_close(), the server crashes) and it works fine.
Re: MySql Problem -
ColdRain - 17.05.2012
i got mysql_close also i try the OnQueryError No Problems Found
Re: MySql Problem -
ColdRain - 17.05.2012
Hey i solve my problem
but i got other problem
how i can make this ---> DrugHouseOwner[i]=dUserINT(PlayerName(i)).("DrugHouseOwner");
to mysql
help me please