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i need help pls... - Printable Version

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[removed] - oNe_87 - 17.05.2012


Re: i need help pls... - TzAkS. - 17.05.2012

We help here just with scripting.
Use ****** translate for this.

Re: i need help pls... - Elysian` - 17.05.2012

The first one is "We noticed you left the server before the round." and the second is, "For a change of equipment, you must wait until the end of the round."

I am not going to sit here and translate all of them.

Use ****** translator. Unless you know spanish like I do.

Re: i need help pls... - oNe_87 - 17.05.2012

cant work that brother please brother i need help i created my script but only these words i cant understand

Re: i need help pls... - Elysian` - 17.05.2012

FYI, I'm not your "Brother".
Read my last post...

Re: i need help pls... - TzAkS. - 17.05.2012

Originally Posted by oNe_87
Посмотреть сообщение
cant work that brother please brother i need help i created my script but only these words i cant understand
You created the script and don`t understand?
That`s a good joke.

Re: i need help pls... - Elysian` - 17.05.2012

Originally Posted by oNe_87
Посмотреть сообщение
[B]scripters pls help me i bought a game mode from groval he is from spain so he don't know english .
Originally Posted by oNe_87
Посмотреть сообщение
cant work that brother please brother i need help i created my script but only these words i cant understand
You either bought it or you made it? Made up your mind!

Re: i need help pls... - Faisal_khan - 17.05.2012

Here is it:
spanish: -

We noticed you left the server before the round. ") = (In english)?

For a change of equipment must wait until the end of the round. ") = (In english)?

- Spanish: - car has no gas = English -??
- Spanish: - car has no coolant = English -?

-Spanish: - [MOTOR] The motor vehicle is turning apagado.Para use / motor = english
-Spanish: - [MOTOR] The motor vehicle is on. To turn off use / motor = english -?

spanish: - The Zombies can not handle ... = English -?

5). -Spanish: - Fridge = english -?
-Spanish: - SetTimer ("TFinRonda", 200.0); = english -?
-Spanish:-Human CP.Ganan complete all round! = English -?
-Spanish:-Zombies have managed to infect the ciudad.Zombis Round Win! = English
-Spanish:-On CP number% d! = English -?


spanish: - SendClientMessageToAll (0xFFD543FF,
"[=============> Announcements} {Government 8FC951 FFD543 {} <=================]");
"A military camp was established in {E43638} Grove Street.");
"Citizens must go to camapamento for assistance.");
"For your safety please ....");
"[=============> {8FC951} The transmission is cut ... {FFD543} <=============]");
english -?

spanish: -
- [Announcements SHS] You can use / help if you need to know the basics.
- [Announcements SHS] The Zombies bite with the Right Click.
- [Announcements SHS] Remember, the BunnyHopp not allowed and you could be penalized.
= English -?

spanish:-The first CP appear to the% d milliseconds english
spanish: 'You can not talk. An administrator has silenced you
spanish:-I love this server!
spanish: 'User% s [ID:% d] is trying to SPAM. Post Posted:
spanish:-Motor Power
spanish:-The engine is stuck and will not turn ...
spanish: - [INFO]: / darnivel3 [JugadorID / ParteDelNombre]
spanish: 'I have given to% s [ID:% d] Level 3
spanish:-The Administrator% s [ID:% d] premovio you to level 3
spanish:-The player is not connected
spanish: 'You're not an administrator.
spanish: - [INFO]: / mirarinv [JugadorID / ParteDelNombre]
spanish:-ID:% i - Bandages:% d - Pills:% d - Drugs:% d - Antidotes:% d \ nBengalas:% d - Gas:% d - Fridge:% d - Tools:% d ", giveplayerid Come, Pils, MeK, Ant, Beng, G, R, H

spanish: 'I have given to% s [ID:% d] id% d skin
spanish:-Your Skin was changed by the Administrator% s [ID:% d] the ID% d
spanish:-The administrator% s puts your Interior in the ID% d
spanish:-You put a% s% d ID World
spanish:-The player is not connected
spanish :-/ tpm [Team Chat
spanish:-Not a premium user
spanish:-try to turn the vehicle's engine
spanish:-You have to be in a vehicle
spanish:-Places Available "," Hospital haven \ nRefugio TV \ nPunta Coast \ nPuente Cursed \ nGrove Street \ nIdlewood \ nCruce Mulholland \ nNoria "," Go, "" Exit

spanish:-The player is another Clan Leader
spanish:-The player is a member of another Clan
spanish:-You have invited% s [ID:% d] to join your clan
spanish: 'You've been invited by the leader Clan% s [ID:% d].
spanish:-Use / Help Guild for more information
spanish:-The user is not connected
spanish: 'You're not a clan leader.
spanish :-/ desinvitar [JugadorID / ParteDelNombre]
spanish:-The player is another Clan Leader
spanish:-The player is not a Clan.
spanish:-You were expelled from the clan leader
spanish: 'You've driven to% s [ID:% d] of your clan
spanish:-Not a premium user
spanish: - mount a laser on your gun
spanish:-removed his weapon's laser
spanish: 'You have a Laser Pointer

spanish:-Utilities \ t \ tCantidad \ nPildoras \ t \ t% d \ nMedicament os \ t \ t% d \ nVendas \ t \ t \ t% d \ nBengalas \ t \ t% d \ nAntidoto s \ t \ t % d \ Ngas \ t \ t \ t% d \ nRefrigerante \ t \ t% d \ nHerramie NTAS \ t \ t% d \ nModelo

spanish: - You have to wear glasses
spanish:-glasses placed
spanish:-takes off his glasses and save
spanish: - [INFO]: / cambiarnombre [JugadorId] [NewName]
spanish:-The Administrator% s change the name of% s. The new name is% s
spanish: - / belt, put the seat belt
spanish:-You have to be in a vehicle
spanish:-off motor vehicle
spanish:-The Zombies win
spanish:-Humans win!
spanish: 'Do not bother, I'm busy.
spanish: 'Wait, I'm rescuing survivors ...
spanish: 'This is not good huh?
spanish:-This is getting ugly. Try to survive.
spanish: 'Damn beast animal. You will die!
spanish: 'Hey, where you pick
spanish, 'Where are you tell me, I'll go looking for you
spanish:-This city takes a hell
spanish: 'Silence! I try to maneuver in the rubble
spanish: 'I do not speak or kill debere
spanish:-not connected
spanish: - [INFO]: / setperk [Class] [Number of Skill]
spanish: Skill-Set the number% d of Survivor
spanish:-Message sent to administrators online. Thanks for reporting
spanish: 'You can not banearte yourself
spanish:-has been banned by the Administrator% s. Reason:
spanish:-You have been banned by
spanish:-has been banned
spanish:-The player is not connected
spanish:-You need to be Level 3 administrator to use this command.
spanish:-Administrator% s Changed from% s team has Human
spanish:-Administrator% s Changed from% s team has Zombies
spanish:-You are not authorized to use this command
spanish: - [INFO]: / adecir [Text]
spanish:-Requires administrator level 1 to use this command
spanish:-Requires administrator this command
spanish: 'You put the lives of% s to% f
spanish:-put your life in
spanish:-The player is not connected
spanish: - "You need to be administrator level 1 to use this command.
spanish: - [INFO]: / freeze [ID] [Minutes] [Reason].
spanish: 'You can not freeze you yourself
spanish:-The player is frozen
spanish:-has been frozen for% d minutes.
spanish:-You have been frozen by% s for% d minutes.
spanish:-has been frozen by the Administrator% s for% d minutes. Reason:
spanish:-The player is not connected
spanish:-You need to be Level 3 administrator to use this command.
spanish: - [INFO]: / thaw [ID].
spanish:-The player is not frozen
spanish:-has been thawed
spanish: 'You've been thawed
spanish:-has been thawed by the Administrator
spanish:-You need to be Level 3 administrator to use this command
spanish: 'You can warn yourself
spanish:-have been warned!
spanish:-has been advised by the Administrator% s. Reason:
spanish: 'You can not kick you yourself
spanish:-has been kicked
spanish: 'You've been kicked by% s. (Reason:% s
spanish: -% s has been kicked by the Administrator% s. Reason:% s
spanish: - [INFO]: / jail [ID] [Minutes] [Reason]
spanish: - [INFO]: / try [Action] ")

spanish: -
[INFO]: / setstat [JugadorId / ParteDelNombre] [Number] [Number] ");
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_GRAD4, "| Level 1 | 2 VidaSpawn | 3 ExperienciaActual | Experience Final 4 | 5 Pills | 6 Medications");
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_GRAD4 "| 7 Flares | 8 Admin | 9 Deaths | 10 Murders | 11 Bites | 12 EsHumano | 13 EsZombie");
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_GRAD4 "| 14 Infected | 15 Bandages | 16 Cures | 17 GasVehicular | 18 RefVehicular | 19 EsPremiun (1/0)");
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_GRAD4 "| 20 LlavePremium | 21 Teamkills | 22 CPTotal | 23 CPParaGanar | 24 Laser (1/2/3/4/5/6)");
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_GRAD4 "| 25 Tools | 26 SegTerminaCP | 27 RefugiosD | 28 MGritos | 29 TKs
Next time don't ask silly questions like this.

Use ****** transalator to translate http://translate.******.com/

Re: i need help pls... - $$inSane - 17.05.2012

3lol fasil nice u translated