Place weapons in a server - Printable Version
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Place weapons in a server -
popjessjo - 17.05.2012
I'm a beginner with scripting, so this might be a stupid question

I've got Raven's Roleplay working on my server, but now I want to place weapons for example at the Johnson house, but I don't know how XD
Could someone explain?
Re: Place weapons in a server -
popjessjo - 17.05.2012
Re: Place weapons in a server -
Face9000 - 17.05.2012
You can use AddStatickPickUp for placing weapons and use OnPlayerPickupPickup to give the weapon at the player.
Re: Place weapons in a server -
ProjectGANTON - 17.05.2012
Is simple.
There are 2 methods.
You can do a command, that if you have a weapon, create a pickup and remove your weapon.
So, when a player go on this pickup, the pickup will be deleted and the weapon gived to the player
First method but using Objects, not Pickups. (Better, but you need to get angles and other, else the weapons fly in the air LOL)
If you need help with this, i can help you using the first method, i can't help you using the 2nd beacause i don't have time.
Re: Place weapons in a server -
popjessjo - 18.05.2012
I think I need help with this XD
But I don't want to delete the pickup when a player go on, is that possible?
Re: Place weapons in a server -
rishabh1x - 18.05.2012
better use weapon shop system
Re: Place weapons in a server -
milanosie - 18.05.2012
pickup type 1..
That will keep it.
But players will be able to get infinite amo then