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Please help me to edit this script! - Printable Version

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Please help me to edit this script! - Rico . - 16.05.2012


Please help me to make it like this:
1) Lights can be turned on/off with number "2" on keyboard.
2)Lights will start/finish flashing with "N" on keyboard.
3)Lights will work on day!( Right now it only works when it's night)

Please help me, I'd me really gladful!

Thank you my friends !

Re: Please help me to edit this script! - milanosie - 18.05.2012

You can only use default keys

Re: Please help me to edit this script! - JaKe Elite - 18.05.2012


^^ Milanosie, Key N and Key 2 is available.

Re: Please help me to edit this script! - Rico . - 18.05.2012

Yes, they should be available because I saw server using those keys.

Can someone please help me then:/?

Re: Please help me to edit this script! - milanosie - 18.05.2012

Use the link I posted....

I asume you made the code to turn on lights yourself already?

Re: Please help me to edit this script! - Rico . - 18.05.2012

I haven't made anything yet. I'm from Estonia and it's kinda hard to understand English for me.

I would really appreciate it if you milanosie could do it.

Re: Please help me to edit this script! - milanosie - 18.05.2012

Sorry, I am here to help.
Not to make commands for people.

I am not english either but still I try to make everything myself.
Just use the search function