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Please Serious Help - Printable Version

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Please Serious Help - Nirzor - 16.05.2012

Please Can Some-One Show Me A Tutorial I Don't Want MadeMan One Cause i dont understand that one please

can some-one show me how to make Capture Zone and who captures it will get 3 Score + 3000 cash like this

then ill +REP him and he will also be my friend please help me i need serious help in this i know how to script very

well but i only don't know this can some-one show me or give me a link to tutorial except MadeMan one it would

be great if you script only one capture zone and show me thank you if you can help me i would be delighted

Re: ++++++REP Please Serious Help - Nirzor - 16.05.2012

Please some-one reply or help i really and seriously need help

Re: ++++++REP Please Serious Help - Nirzor - 16.05.2012

Still no replies please help guys

Re: Please Serious Help - $$inSane - 16.05.2012

ok i will try to make it

Re: Please Serious Help - Nirzor - 16.05.2012


Re: Please Serious Help - $$inSane - 16.05.2012

but im brb for a week cause my pc is not working and i m accessing net on mobile