Some questions -
MarinacMrcina - 16.05.2012
Hi guys,I'm new to pawno scripting and I don't know whats the best saving system.I have alredy started my script with with dini bit if there is a better way so i could change it before its too late.What about SQLite?Do you need a server for that or it just saves in scriptfiles?What command processor should I use and how should i hash passwords?
Re: Some questions -
doreto - 16.05.2012
for command processor i can suggest you to use ZCMD becose it fast and easy to use
edit:about SQLITE it doesnt need mysql db it save it into scriptfiles
Re: Some questions -
MeDaKewlDude - 16.05.2012
i would strongly recommend dudb. it includes almost everything you would need. it even hashes the passwords.
native udb_Exists(nickname[]);
native udb_Remove(nickname[]);
native udb_UserSetInt(nickname[],key[],value);
native udb_UserSetFloat(nickname[],key[],Float:value);
native udb_UserSet(nickname[],key[],value[]);
native udb_User(nickname[],key[]);
native udb_UserFloat(nickname[],key[]);
native udb_UserInt(nickname[],key[]);
native udb_CheckLogin(nickname[],pwd[]);
native udb_Create(nickname[],pwd[]);
native udb_hash(buf[]);
native udb_encode(nickname[]);
native udb_decode(nickname[]);
as for the command prosseser, i prefer dcmd, but you might want to try zcmd because dcmd is a bit more code to script
Re: Some questions -
MarinacMrcina - 16.05.2012
Are databases faster or easy than dini?
Is dini easy than yini?
AW: Some questions -
EthanR - 16.05.2012
Dini or Dudb are cool if you want easy scripting and don't care about the speed of your script (later on once your script reaches ~50k lines that is).
Dini/Dudb have the disadvantage that they close/open files and loop through them with their seperate Dini_Set and udb_UserSet which is way slower than if you properly use pure fwrite. (which those tools also use, but in a less effective way)
EDIT: Look at the dini include file and see what "Dini_Set" does. Instead of opening the file repeatively 10 times you could just fopen(FileName, io_read); it once and then fwrite the values into it.
Re: Some questions -
MarinacMrcina - 07.06.2012
Is SQLite easier to code and script when you learn it than using yini?
Re: Some questions -
Littlehelper - 07.06.2012
Originally Posted by MarinacMrcina
Hi guys,I'm new to pawno scripting and I don't know whats the best saving system.I have alredy started my script with with dini bit if there is a better way so i could change it before its too late.What about SQLite?Do you need a server for that or it just saves in scriptfiles?What command processor should I use and how should i hash passwords?
The best saving system is MySQL, IMO.
dini is just wayyy too slower then other saving systems. YCMD is the fastest command processor at the moment and i recommend you to use it.
Also use Whirlpool to hash passwords.
Re: Some questions -
MarinacMrcina - 08.06.2012
Yeah but i don't have a website to save it(php admin) so i would use sqlite,is it easier with SQLite to make saving systems,house system,car systems than with dini?