Warnings & Errors in Login & Register system. -
Firo - 15.05.2012
format(string,sizeof(string),"\t"lyellow2"Hey,%s! Welcome to the help page of RP!\n\nWe have several jobs in our server:\n* Trucker \n"lblue"* Police \n"lorange"* Assistance \n"lgreen"* Driver \n",GetPlayerName(playerid));
(651) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
(651) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
Thanks for helpers.
Re: 2 Warnings - number of arguments -
Andi_Evandy - 15.05.2012
pawn Код:
new PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
format(string,sizeof(string),"\t"lyellow2"Hey,%s! Welcome to the help page of RP!\n\nWe have several jobs in our server:\n* Trucker \n"lblue"* Police \n"lorange"* Assistance \n"lgreen"* Driver \n",PlayerName);
hope it works
AW: 2 Warnings - number of arguments -
EthanR - 15.05.2012
Didn't see the post above mine.
Re: 2 Warnings - number of arguments -
Firo - 15.05.2012
Originally Posted by Andi_Evandy
pawn Код:
new PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid,PlayerName,sizeof(PlayerName)); format(string,sizeof(string),"\t"lyellow2"Hey,%s! Welcome to the help page of RP!\n\nWe have several jobs in our server:\n* Trucker \n"lblue"* Police \n"lorange"* Assistance \n"lgreen"* Driver \n",PlayerName);
hope it works 
Thanks mate!
Now i have a diffrent error, after i put a register & login system in my mode.
(13) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "YSI\y_ini"
I have all the YSI pack in Includes under Pawno folder, what's the problem?
Re: 2 Warnings - number of arguments -
TzAkS. - 15.05.2012
You don`t have y_ini in YSI folder or you are using other pawno,enter in that pawno where you have the YSI folder and open the gamemode.
Re: 2 Warnings - number of arguments -
Firo - 15.05.2012
Originally Posted by TzAkS.
You don`t have y_ini in YSI folder or you are using other pawno,enter in that pawno where you have the YSI folder and open the gamemode.
Okay, now it gave me 26 ERRORS
the main of them doesn't connected to the mode :
PHP код:
pawno\include\dutils.inc(28) : error 021: symbol already defined: "isNumeric"
pawno\include\dutils.inc(379) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
pawno\include\dutils.inc(380) : error 021: symbol already defined: "strtok"
pawno\include\YSI\internal\y_dohooks.inc(2501) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate")
pawno\include\YSI\internal\y_dohooks.inc(2566) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate")
pawno\include\YSI\internal\y_dohooks.inc(3426) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerTakeDamage")
pawno\include\YSI\internal\y_dohooks.inc(3495) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerGiveDamage")
Re: 2 Warnings - number of arguments -
Faisal_khan - 15.05.2012
From where do you open your .pwn file? If you open it directly from the file where your amx and pwn files are located, this will surely give you includes error. Always open the file from pawno.exe (i.e. goto pawno folder and open pawno.exe and then do Ctrl+O and the select the file from there).
Re: 2 Warnings - number of arguments -
Firo - 15.05.2012
Originally Posted by Faisal_khan
From where do you open your .pwn file? If you open it directly from the file where your amx and pwn files are located, this will surely give you includes error. Always open the file from pawno.exe (i.e. goto pawno folder and open pawno.exe and then do Ctrl+O and the select the file from there).
It's excatly what i did bro'.
Re: 2 Warnings - number of arguments -
Faisal_khan - 15.05.2012
Remove the function strtok and isNumeric because it is already defined in your script or it is in any of the includes.
Paste line 379.
While for the declaration errors do it like this:
pawn Код:
forward OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate(vehicleid);
forward OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate(vehicleid);
forward OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid);
forward OnPlayerGiveDamage(playerid);
Add these lines anywhere in your gm but not in callbacks.
Re: 2 Warnings - number of arguments -
Firo - 15.05.2012
Originally Posted by Faisal_khan
Remove the function strtok and isNumeric because it is already defined in your script or it is in any of the includes.
Paste line 379.
While for the declaration errors do it like this:
pawn Код:
forward OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate(vehicleid); forward OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate(vehicleid); forward OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid); forward OnPlayerGiveDamage(playerid);
Add these lines anywhere in your gm but not in callbacks.
Still same errors ( i paste it up in the GM , down of the news section ), and the line 379 Look at the file place, it's .inc not the GM..