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[GameMode] Scratch Roleplay - Printable Version

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Scratch Roleplay - Mento - 12.05.2012

What is the story behind this gamemode?
As I began understanding and learning the PAWN language, I started a brand new gamemode, and as I learned more and more I would implement what I learn onto it. Overtime it started to get better and better until it got to a point where the gamemode was very unique, including new jobs, businesses, etc. I tried to make everything as unique as possible, and since I have no intention to start my own community, I am releasing it, so someone else maybe will continue to add features to it, and then start a community or something.

What are some features of this gamemode?
-Registration system:
Asks you for a password, you login with the password you picked, you are teleported to a train where you enter your gender, origin, and age. The origin you choose will set your accent to that origin.
The town I picked to base this gamemode in was Fort Carson, as at the time, a year or so ago, there weren't many Fort Carson based servers, now I think there are multiple.
The bank is set so when you enter, you head to the bank booth and you type /bank where a dialog will open up and everything else from there is self explanatory.
-Saving System:
Saves, money, weapons, and many other things.
-Rentable Vehicles:
There are available vehicles, motorcycles, and a bike, for rent. They are found behind the bank in that empty lot.
Sheriff Department, Gas Station, Clothes Store, Gym, and City Hall are available around the city all are custom mapped by me, except for city hall, I found the mapping for that in the forums . But everything else is custom mapped by me.
I think I only made one faction, the sheriff department, which has many commands, I forgot them, so just go look in the script for them :P.
Every job I made I tried to make it unique, jobs can be found around the town. The current jobs are Garbage man, Smuggler, Car Jacker, and Farmer. The garbage man and farmer are interactive jobs, so you will actually have to go to the dumpsters around the town to get the garbage and place it into your garbage truck, to find these jobs you can type /help and select job and find the locations. There is also a logger job, located near the gas station out side of the town, But it is not finished, has bugs, so work on that one .
There are many commands, I made these along the way, so they have most of the common ones, and some like /createcar etc. You can find these in the script.
The cellphone works and this can be purchased in the general store, which is in front of the gas station.
All the general roleplay things are in there, commands, etc.
-Unique Stores:
The clothes store, located in the middle of the donut shop and the bank, is pretty unique you can try on different types of clothes and take them off in the changing room and you purchase them from the cashier, you can't leave unless you either take them off or purchase them.
The donut shop actually gives you food, so try that out :P.

Overall the script is more unique then most, but it is no where near finished. I released it as I have a different project to work on, so make it your own, but overall it has very nice and unique features, and it is great for a start, but there should be way more features you want to add in. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy the gamemode.


Re: Scratch Roleplay - Elysian` - 12.05.2012

Looks good, try adding a Download link first, or this may get deleted!

Re: Scratch Roleplay - Mento - 12.05.2012

Sorry about that, was trying to press preview, and by accident clicked post, so I updated it with a link.

Re: Scratch Roleplay - p0o - 12.05.2012

I get one error that Application has failed to start because MRCVr or something like that have failed, any solution?

Re: Scratch Roleplay - Mento - 12.05.2012

Try updating the SAMP Server with the newest 0.3e server.

Re: Scratch Roleplay - HighPitchedVoice - 12.05.2012

[22:57:58] I couldn't load any gamemode scripts. Please verify your server.cfg
[22:57:58] It needs a gamemode0 line at the very least.

gamemode0 ScratchRP 1

Re: Scratch Roleplay - Mento - 12.05.2012

Did you compile the .pwn?

Re: Scratch Roleplay - Nathaniel - 12.05.2012

When i complie the script, appears 26 errors. Any idea, or advice?

Re: Scratch Roleplay - Mento - 12.05.2012

Post the errors and lines.

Re: Scratch Roleplay - p0o - 12.05.2012

Ye, script is not working.. please set it all up and then upload with all fixed errors, thanks.

Re: Scratch Roleplay - Mento - 12.05.2012

Okay I updated the server to the newest windows server, that was the whole issue, I updated it in the main post.

Re: Scratch Roleplay - roli10 - 13.05.2012

Has it got a payday system? Cool gamemode anyway Good job i think i`m going to take it to make my own server!

Re: Scratch Roleplay - lopez113 - 13.05.2012

Guys,for me it's working... maybe you haven't updated includes..

Re: Scratch Roleplay - Dripac - 13.05.2012

Nice but not recomended for a direct start after downloading.

Re: Scratch Roleplay - Dripac - 13.05.2012

Nice but not recomended for a direct server start after downloading.

Re: Scratch Roleplay - Derek_Westbrook - 13.05.2012

Alright,can I haz you permission to edit this script?I'll add something here and factions.

Re: Scratch Roleplay - Dopey. - 13.05.2012

I get an error "This application has failed to start because MSVCR100.dll was not found.Re-installing the application may fix this problem." When i get IG it says "Stay within the world" and the flash appears when i press spawn.. .amx file can't load here i think. Any ideas how to fix this problem? Thanks in advance guys.

Re: Scratch Roleplay - pasha97 - 13.05.2012

Good job man, good luck in your scripting deeds )

Re: Scratch Roleplay - David Shelby™ - 13.05.2012

Got one problem ! And PLEASE HELP me ! When i dissconect and Connect i need to Register again -.- my stats dont save FIX THAT BRO

Re: Scratch Roleplay - lopez113 - 13.05.2012

Shelby are you look in "scriptfiles"?