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[FilterScript] Buddy system - Printable Version

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Buddy system - Vlad_Dubonos - 12.05.2012

Here's a filterscript [buddy system] good for Rp
/gf id to show friends of the player
/fr id to offer buddy request
/delfriend remove friend
/mesfriend Message to friend
/mes View/Check Messages
/friend to show you'r friend's
/group to move to friend group

Simplified the code, as well as partially optimized
All files are stored in a folder, the data in two files
Made by the group, when you transfer a player in the group are notified.

In papke scriptfiles create a folder called Player, it will be stored in a data player
Name.cfg-In this file:
Line 1 - Kol.vo friends kol.vo messages kol.vo new posts
All other lines: Friends, a group of
From the message text, read / unread

In the script
Find Srochko change it to the max number of slots on your server
Find the line LIMIT_FRIEND and change it to the maximum kol.vo friends

Credit's to me

Report here for bugs

if you want you can Translate it to English

Re: Buddy system - (SC)=Sky= - 12.05.2012

where is download?

Re: Buddy system - antonisrodos94 - 13.05.2012


Respuesta: Buddy system - LULU - 13.05.2012

No me funciona..
>> donwload #include <mxini>?