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[Bug] Camera look at - Printable Version

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[Bug] Camera look at - Atrox95 - 12.05.2012

I want to change the player's camera look positon after I attached the camera to an object which is attached to a vehicle.
PHP код:
if(strcmp(cmdtext"/test"true) == 0) {
Float:vPos[3], vehicleid GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
GetVehiclePos(vehicleidvPos[0], vPos[1], vPos[2]);
objectid CreateObject(362vPos[0], vPos[1], vPos[2],;
AttachObjectToVehicle(objectidvehicleid3.0, -;
SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playeridvPos[0], vPos[1], vPos[2]);//
If I do SetPlayerCameraLookAt and then AttachCameraToObject the player cannot move his camera and the camera look position is not at the definied one.
If I do AttachCameraToObject and then SetPlayerCameraLookAt the new camera look position works, but the camera isn't still attached and the position is somewhere.

I hope for a bug fix.