[FilterScript] Anti-Steal - Printable Version
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Anti-Steal -
pseudonyme - 11.05.2012
I'm proud to realese my first work
It's a little FS wich allow you deleting ur GM from ur server by using a simple RCON Command.
I think, that may be usefull to fight against stealers.
I mean, whenever ur FTP Server account are bypassed/stolen you can use my simple FS to delete ur GM and avoid stealer(s) geting ur GM.
This FS use JaTochNietDan's FileManager plugin!
To download, just click here (multiupload) or
here (Pastebin)
PS: sorry for my bad english
Re: Anti-Steal -
tyler12 - 11.05.2012
Re: Anti-Steal -
Hiddos - 11.05.2012
dafuq did i just see
Re : Anti-Steal -
pseudonyme - 12.05.2012
BTW, i have just tested on Windows 7 x64 with full disabled UAC.
Re: Anti-Steal -
Darklom - 12.05.2012
I don't understand, all they have to do is delete this FS or download the GM so by the time you figure out it happened it's too late.. I just find this a bit not useful..
besides how many times does FTP hacking actually happen?
Re: Anti-Steal -
TheDominator - 12.05.2012
How would you even know if you were been hacked, they'd probably be in and out before you knew it, it'd be to late by the time you could use the command, also you'd be deleting your hard work. You'd have to back it up which alot of people don't seem too.
Re : Anti-Steal -
pseudonyme - 12.05.2012
in fact, i have made this script for the fun of scripting and the proof of concept, i must admit that it was not created to be usefull ..
Re: Anti-Steal -
TheDominator - 12.05.2012
Well at least you put the effort in to make it and the quality, that's all I look for when people release scripts
Re: Anti-Steal -
richardcor91 - 12.05.2012
Why don't create a simple function to crash server if server.cfg "bind" and "port" parameters don't match with coded ones? I mean:
#define IP_PORT "" //IP:PORT from your current server host
stock AntiSteal()
new SIp[32], SPort;
GetServerVarAsString("bind", SIp, sizeof(SIp));
SPort = GetServerVarAsInt("port");
format(SIp, sizeof(SIp), "%s:%d", SIp, SPort);
if(strcmp(SIp, IP_PORT, false))
print("This script was stolen. Crashing server now...");
SetTimerEx("Bla", 1, false, "s", ""); //function to crash server
//or use other function to deactivate server scripts, or whatever you want :P
return 1;
public OnGameModeInit() //or OnFilterScriptInit
return 1;
Create some include with this could be useful, using y_hooks if necessary. But how to know if the include is being used on a filterscript or in a gamemode, so we can know if we call OnFilterScriptInit or OnGameModeInit? I'm asking this because I never used y_hooks, but from what I read, this is probably not necessary.