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Database help. - Printable Version

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Database help. - Cyniic - 08.05.2012

Recently, I implemented a vehicle script into a VX:RP gamemode, however when there is a GMX or samp-server.exe closes, the vehicles do not save into the database file.

If you can help, please PM me, and we'll go from there. Thanks.

Re: Database help. - Cyniic - 10.05.2012

Is no one able to help me with this issue? I have no problem sending code through PMs. It's restricting us from doing updates as every time we do we have to refund everyone for their cars.

Re: Database help. - Elysian` - 10.05.2012

Well show us the code and what saving system are you using?

We cannot help you if you do not show us any.

Re: Database help. - Cyniic - 10.05.2012

Originally Posted by Windows32
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Well show us the code and what saving system are you using?

We cannot help you if you do not show us any.
Here's my SaveVehicle stock.

pawn Code:
stock SaveVehicle(sqlid)
    new query[1500], idx = GetVIndex(sqlid);
    format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE vehicles SET model = '%d' , color1 = '%d' , color2 = '%d' , groupid = '%d' , jobid = '%d' , owner = '%s' , vname = '%s', respawn = '%d', x = '%f', y = '%f', z = '%f', angle = '%f'",
    Veh[idx][Model], Veh[idx][Color1], Veh[idx][Color2], Veh[idx][Group], Veh[idx][Job], Veh[idx][Owner], Veh[idx][VName] ,Veh[idx][Respawn], Veh[idx][vX], Veh[idx][vY], Veh[idx][vZ], Veh[idx][vAngle]);
    format(query, sizeof(query), "%s,interior = '%d', virtualworld = '%d', plate = '%s', mod0 = '%d', mod1 = '%d', mod2 = '%d', mod3 = '%d', mod4 = '%d', mod5 = '%d', mod6 = '%d', mod7 = '%d', mod8 = '%d', mod9 = '%d'",
    query ,Veh[idx][vInt], Veh[idx][vVWorld], Veh[idx][Plate], Veh[idx][Mod0], Veh[idx][Mod1], Veh[idx][Mod2], Veh[idx][Mod3], Veh[idx][Mod4], Veh[idx][Mod5], Veh[idx][Mod6], Veh[idx][Mod7], Veh[idx][Mod8], Veh[idx][Mod9]);
    format(query, sizeof(query), "%s, mod10 = '%d', mod11 = '%d', mod12 = '%d', mod13 = '%d', paintjob = '%d', weapon1 = '%d', weapon2 = '%d', weapon3 = '%d', vip = '%d', lockstate = '%d', health = '%f', spawnstate = '%d', fuel = '%d'",
    query, Veh[idx][Mod10], Veh[idx][Mod11], Veh[idx][Mod12], Veh[idx][Mod13], Veh[idx][PaintJob], Veh[idx][Weapons][0], Veh[idx][Weapons][1], Veh[idx][Weapons][2], Veh[idx][VIP], Veh[idx][lockState], Veh[idx][vHealth],Veh[idx][spawnState],Veh[idx][Fuel]);
    format(query, sizeof(query), "%s WHERE sqlid = '%d'", query ,sqlid);

    db_query(vehicle_db, query);
    return query;
It's supposed to save to a local file named 'Vehicles" Which is in a database file format.