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Not showing up - Printable Version

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Not showing up - kryptonice - 07.05.2012


I've a problem with some objects.
When I place FS (map) in my server sometimes the original GM things dont show up anymore.

Im using trucking server and the speed camera's stop showing up when I use some FS (map).

Could anyone help me with this?
How to fix this?


Re: Not showing up - kryptonice - 07.05.2012

Sorry for the dubble post but really need fast help.

It seems like the server cant handle too much lines of code.
When im using some FS and add some lines in the GM it will work.. then when I add some more the script will stop doing some things like showing speed camera's and in the worst case not showing any objects from the GM.. (

Re: Not showing up - Slix_ - 08.05.2012

Do not use CreateObject() to display your objects in your gamemode and in your filterscript, use a streamer to handle in all your object creations, download it here. After your download is over and followed all streamer (plugin, and include) instructions, visit this site and paste in your CreateObject() codes (all objects) and set the output to Incognito's Streamer Plugin, copy and paste the new code you receive and place it under your OnGameModeInIt, and OnFilterScriptInIt.

Also next time, please consider editing your first post and avoid double posting.