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Crash... - Printable Version

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Crash... - Huxley - 04.05.2012

This quote (in first place) explains all.


I'm friend of syukri_hilman$, who plays here's server very often especially after school finished. So, he introduced me to this server, I was like very interested to play this server. But, there's 1 problem which is stopping me from playing the server.

The problem is, after I successfully connected, now going to requesting class section. At that point, my game crashed. I don't know why, maybe the spawn place, or any scripts which make me crashed. So, the question is, where's the requesting-class place/position?

Maybe, this video should explain full situation of my problem which I'm now facing. Click here.

I have mods, many mods installed. But, none of them are scripted mods, all mods were installed in good condition, and so far I've been playing 89.4% of all servers in SA-MP, no crash at all, except the server Argonath RPG, same problem faced in there.

I hope, I can join the server after this problem has a permanent solution.
McNugget. aka Khalis Aiman.

1) SA-MP version: 0.3d
2) Windows version: Windows 7
3) Video card type: Idk...
4) IP:Port (if any) of the server you are trying to play on:
5) If you are crashing, paste the crash report in your post and say when the crash occurs: No crash reports received
6) If you are crashing loading SA-MP, please say whether GTA:SA single player works (test it): Worked
7) Do you have any other GTA:SA mods installed?: Tons, I thought it was modding problem, so I replaced Zero skin with a rapper skin, still crashed. I asked the owner to replace the interior with other one, still crash. MAYBE, MAYBE the audio stream problem which made me crashed. ==' Idk, no clues left..

Not only this server, but same goes on Argonath RPG. The rest, I think, I joined fine.