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Textdraw on login - Printable Version

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Textdraw on login - Jstylezzz - 03.05.2012


I would like to display a blue bar on player connect with my server logo/name on it, and on the bottom a blue bar with Player peak and scriptversion.

I tried Image2Pawn, but the draws didn't show up.
Anyone has experience with this and wants to tell me what i should do?


Re: Textdraw on login - FalconX - 03.05.2012

You can use this ingame textdraw maker for creating such things.

Re: Textdraw on login - Jstylezzz - 03.05.2012

Thanks, I think i tried something like this, but i don't think i've tried this one

Re: Textdraw on login - FalconX - 03.05.2012

Originally Posted by Jari_Johnson*
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Thanks, I think i tried something like this, but i don't think i've tried this one
It's a very good ingame textdraw maker and probably a very famous as well I guess which is made by Zamaroht. Anyway I'm sure this will help you. What you have to do is to show the textdraw when a player login.


Re: Textdraw on login - Jstylezzz - 03.05.2012

Ill try it out tomorrow.. it's 00:34 in my country now xD gonna get some sleep..