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Reading from different lines in one text file - Printable Version

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Reading from different lines in one text file - mave_man - 01.05.2012


I want to read the messages for my 'autobot' (= some sort of chatbot that displays random lines of text)
I know howto make it read from different files with one line of text in every file.
But I was wondering if I could make one file with all the lines of text in it somehow?

Please every suggestion/help is welcome!

Re: Reading from different lines in one text file - TzAkS. - 01.05.2012

I don`t understand what you wan`t to say.
If i am not wrong,you can do something like
Save it to the file like this
message1 = " Message1 here"
message2 = " Message2 here"
message3 = " Message3 here"
message4 = " Message4 here"
And then you can read it with

AW: Reading from different lines in one text file - BigETI - 01.05.2012

If you want to read the lines of a whole file you have to do something like

pawn Код:
while(fread(file, buffer))
    //Reads line by line