Dialog Text - Printable Version
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Dialog Text -
TzAkS. - 01.05.2012
Is any way to make the text from a dialog biger?
In 0.3e version is smaller then 0.3d.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"This text"," Something\n Somethingn Something\n Something","Ok","Cancel");
Same thing is if i do it with a string.
AW: Dialog Text -
Drebin - 01.05.2012
https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/TextDrawLetterSize ?
EDIT: Misread, I've read textdraw instead of dialog, sorry
Re: Dialog Text -
X3nZ - 01.05.2012
No, there isn't
Originally Posted by Drebin
That's for textdraws, not dialogs
Re: Dialog Text -
TzAkS. - 01.05.2012
I tryed to do something like
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"This text...\nAnother Text"," Something\n Somethingn Something\n Something","Ok","Cancel");
Is making a new row but the text is a litle bit biger,how can i format the text for a smaller size?
Re: Dialog Text -
Luis- - 01.05.2012
You can't.
Re: Dialog Text -
Rapgangsta - 01.05.2012
You can put as text "______________________" and then create a textdraw for the title
Re: Dialog Text -
FarSe. - 01.05.2012
I think you didn't install sa-mp properly...try to uninstall sa-mp and re-install it.
Re: Dialog Text -
IstuntmanI - 01.05.2012
Originally Posted by FarSe.
I think you didn't install sa-mp properly...try to uninstall sa-mp and re-install it.
No, it has been installed correctly, but in 0.3e we have a caption bar, and the title is bigger.
You can't.