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Making a Roleplay Script [Need Some Advice] - Printable Version

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Making a Roleplay Script [Need Some Advice] - Neff - 01.05.2012

Hey Lads.

I'm Making a Role play Script, and i Want it to Be a Decent Server, with Alot of Unique Stuff.
But at the Same Token, I Want it to be Fast.

I've Current got No Knowledge in MySQL.
I've Only Really Looked at Y_INI, And Y_CMD/Z_CMD.

Now, I Really Dont Know What to Do, I Feel im Fine with Y_INI & Z_CMD/Y_CMD
But, People say im an "Idiot" for Using Y_INI if i Wish to Make a "Good" Server, but i Feel i like INIs More.
Now Even Though im at the Start of Making my Server, and my Release Date is Possibly 12 Months Away, I Still want to get some Advice, on This,

I Want your Optional, On How i Should do this if i Wish to Hold At least 20 - 50 Players Online.
I'm on Intermediate in PAWN, But i Know My Standards From C++ / C#.
I'm, Making my Own Script from Scratch, And Becuase to be Honest, I Dont Feel ive Achieved Anything if i "Edit" A Script, and I Really Dont Want to Make the 10,000,000th GF Edit, I Mean Seriousley, GF Edits are a Joke..
Cheers Boys.

Re: Making a Roleplay Script [Need Some Advice] - X3nZ - 01.05.2012

Your best bet is to go with MySQL, but if you have no way, or no one who will help you do so.

I'd suggest Y_INI, yes, as for YCMD/ZCMD, I like ZCMD better, I'm not sure which processes faster cause I've only dealth with ZCMD.

Although MySQL is a better, more efficient way to go, Y_INI should still do you fine.