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Animations Bug - Printable Version

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Animations Bug - DonWade - 26.04.2012


new string[64];
if(UsingAnimations[playerid] > 1) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Please Wait Before Using Animations Again");
ApplyAnimation(playerid, "ON_LOOKERS", "wave_loop", 4.0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
UsingAnimations[playerid] = 30;
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s (%d) Waves Out.",PlayerName(playerid),playerid);
return 1;

Problem start when i type /wave and client sends me message "player waves bla bla" but there is no visible animation, but if i type /wave again everything's fine and i can see wave animation.
I have this problem with most of animation commands ( some of them works fine , like /handsup animation )

Re: Animations Bug - MP2 - 26.04.2012

You have to pre-load them.

ApplyAnimation(playerid, "LIBRARY", "null", 4.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

I believe.

Re: Animations Bug - Kar - 27.04.2012

pawn Код:
PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "BOMBER"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "RAPPING");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "SHOP"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "BEACH");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "SMOKING"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "FOOD");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "ON_LOOKERS"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "DEALER");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "CRACK"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "CARRY");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "COP_AMBIENT"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "PARK");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "INT_HOUSE"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "PED");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "MISC"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "OTB");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "BD_Fire"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "BENCHPRESS");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "KISSING"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "BSKTBALL");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "MEDIC"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "SWORD");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "POLICE"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "SUNBATHE");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "FAT"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "WUZI");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "SWEET"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "ROB_BANK");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "GANGS"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "RIOT");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "GYMNASIUM"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "CAR");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "CAR_CHAT"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "GRAVEYARD");
    PreloadAnimLib(playerid, "POOL");

PreloadAnimLib(playerid, animlib[])
    ApplyAnimation(playerid, animlib, "null",0.0,0,0,0,0,0,1);

Re: Animations Bug - DonWade - 27.04.2012

Did Not Know For That. Ty.