}if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/robbiz", true) ==0) //benedikt { new tmpid; //new robmembers; tmpid=IsPlayerInBiz(playerid); new Float:pozx,Float:pozy,Float:pozz; GetPlayerPos(playerid,pozx,pozy,pozz); //vwor = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid); // robmembers = 1; if(tmpid!=-1) { new bizfile[64],robb; format(bizfile,sizeof(bizfile),"Businesses/%s.txt",biz[tmpid][bizname]); robb=dini_Int(bizfile,"robbed"); if(robb == 1) { SendClientError(playerid,"This business has been already robbed this hour!"); return 1; } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][tier]<2 && MafiaMember(playerid))//>= 10 { new handweap = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid); if(handweap <21 || handweap > 38) return SendClientError(playerid,"You need a fire arm to start a robery!"); new rCount = 0,Float:rPos[4]; GetPlayerPos(playerid, rPos[0], rPos[1], rPos[2]); for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue; if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 20.0, rPos[0], rPos[1], rPos[2])) continue; if(PlayerInfo[i][playerteam] != PlayerInfo[playerid][playerteam]) continue; rCount++; } if(rCount > 5) { new xstra[MAX_STRING]; format(xstra,sizeof(xstra),"%s closed the businesses doors and started a robery !",PlayerName(playerid)); NearMessage(playerid,xstra,COLOR_ME); dini_IntSet(bizfile,"robbed",1); // dini_IntSet(bizfile,"closed",1); loading[playerid]=180; IsInRobery[playerid]=1; RobbedBizBy[playerid]=1; RobbedBiz[playerid]=tmpid; for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(PlayerInfo[i][playerteam]==COPS || PlayerInfo[i][playerteam]==SASF || PlayerInfo[i][playerteam]==FBI) { new xstri[MAX_STRING]; if(!strlen(dini_Get(biz[tmpid][bizname],"name"))) { format(xstri,sizeof(xstri),"[>]Emergency: %s is beeing robbed. Bussiness location was updated on GPS!",biz[tmpid][bizname]); } else { format(xstri,sizeof(xstri),"[>]Emergency: %s is beeing robbed. Bussiness location was updated on GPS!",dini_Get(biz[tmpid][bizname],"name")); } SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_ORANGE,xstri); SetPlayerCheckpoint(i,biz[tmpid][bizenter_x],biz[tmpid][bizenter_y],biz[tmpid][bizenter_z],5); } } return 1; } else return SendClientError(playerid, "You need atleast 4 people from your faction!"); } else return SendClientError(playerid,"Your rank is too low !"); } else return SendClientError(playerid,"You need to be inside a bussines to start a robery!"); }
if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/robbiz", true) ==0) //benedikt
new tmpid;
//new robmembers;
new Float:pozx,Float:pozy,Float:pozz;
//vwor = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
//robmembers = 1;
new bizfile[64],robb;
if(robb == 1)
SendClientError(playerid,"This business has been already robbed this hour!");
return 1;
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][tier]<2 && MafiaMember(playerid))//>= 10
new handweap = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid);
if(handweap <21 || handweap > 38) return SendClientError(playerid,"You need a fire arm to start a robery!");
new rCount = 0,Float:rPos[4];
GetPlayerPos(playerid, rPos[0], rPos[1], rPos[2]);
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 20.0, rPos[0], rPos[1], rPos[2])) continue;
if(PlayerInfo[i][playerteam] != PlayerInfo[playerid][playerteam]) continue;
if(rCount > 3)
new xstra[MAX_STRING];
format(xstra,sizeof(xstra),"%s closed the businesses doors and started a robery !",PlayerName(playerid));
// dini_IntSet(bizfile,"closed",1);
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(PlayerInfo[i][playerteam]==COPS || PlayerInfo[i][playerteam]==SASF || PlayerInfo[i][playerteam]==FBI)
new xstri[MAX_STRING];
format(xstri,sizeof(xstri),"[>]Emergency: %s is beeing robbed. Bussiness location was updated on GPS!",biz[tmpid][bizname]);
format(xstri,sizeof(xstri),"[>]Emergency: %s is beeing robbed. Bussiness location was updated on GPS!",dini_Get(biz[tmpid][bizname],"name"));
return 1;
else return SendClientError(playerid, "You need atleast 4 people from your faction!");
else return SendClientError(playerid,"Your rank is too low !");
else return SendClientError(playerid,"You need to be inside a bussines to start a robery!");
Sorry for the delay my bro. Here you go , Now you need to have more then 3 i.e. atleast 4 members around.
pawn Код: