Server on dymanic IP with no-IP. Please help!!! -
FOTIS6 - 24.04.2012
Hey guys help me.
I have problems with server hosting.
I am using no-IP and my IP is:
This IP works but when you put it on favourites I have this:
HostName: (Retrieving info...)
Players: 0 / 0
Ping: 0
But if you try to connect you will connect successfully.
EDIT: you can't connect because my server is passworded and when you login because of the above it doesn't asks you for pass and a message spawns: Wrong Server Password!
I can remove the pass if you want to check it.
Re: Server on dymanic IP with no-IP. Please help!!! -
ColorHost-Kevin - 24.04.2012
Make sure it set up correctly on no-ip, looks to me something is not setup right.
Re: Server on dymanic IP with no-IP. Please help!!! -
FOTIS6 - 24.04.2012
I just created the hoster.
I portforwarded my ports and I opened the server.
If you check it the ping is loading on footer.
Re: Server on dymanic IP with no-IP. Please help!!! -
Jikesh - 24.04.2012
Its working perfectly for me.
HostName: AKS and SMGS (The Server Is Under Construction)
Players: 0 / 32
Ping: 268
Mode: Free Roam
Map: San Andreas
Re: Server on dymanic IP with no-IP. Please help!!! -
FOTIS6 - 24.04.2012
Yeah. I know what was wrong. I solved it. Thanks!!!
I had my old server with the normal IP. That was the reason.
Re: Server on dymanic IP with no-IP. Please help!!! -
robintjeh - 24.04.2012
Make sure you use the updater!