help me -
sscarface - 22.04.2012
sorryfor posting i am new idk where i post and my english bad
i upload scannf plugin in hosting but it's failed
can u help me with team viewer or post here
u want team view id or pass post here
and this is error
v0.3d-R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team
[18:15:38]bind *.*.*.*
[18:15:38]bind *.*.*.* Server Plugins
[18:15:38]bind *.*.*.* --------------
[18:15:38]bind *.*.*.* Loading plugin: sscanf
[18:15:38]bind *.*.*.* Failed (plugins/sscanf: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[18:15:38]bind *.*.*.* Loaded 0 plugins.
Re: help me -
Phyrunx - 22.04.2012
erm.. Your host Has Linux So after the plugin Name type .so
your server.cfg looks like this
plugins sscanf streamer
Change it to
simply add .so after each plugins name in Server.cfg