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DIALOG STYLE INPUT -- Need some help with this! - Printable Version

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DIALOG STYLE INPUT -- Need some help with this! - Dan. - 21.04.2012

When a player types in 10, he loses 10 scorepoints and gets 5000 bucks. But how to change this thing, that he only could type in numbers? When he types in asdasd, it may get buggy..

Re: DIALOG STYLE INPUT -- Need some help with this! - Laure - 21.04.2012

Not Sure but i think u need to update your PluGin.

Re: DIALOG STYLE INPUT -- Need some help with this! - [MG]Dimi - 21.04.2012

under on dialog response
pawn Код:
if(!isNumeric(inputtext)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"You can type only numbers!");
isNumeric is included in dudb or dutils, not sure is it even in any of these. But you can make your own if you want.