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Errors [; - Mr_RokKi3[B] - 21.04.2012

The Erros:
K:\MyOldCom\DeathMatch\gamemodes\SFDM.pwn(1204) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
K:\MyOldCom\DeathMatch\gamemodes\SFDM.pwn(1204) : warning 215: expression has no effect
K:\MyOldCom\DeathMatch\gamemodes\SFDM.pwn(1204) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "return"
K:\MyOldCom\DeathMatch\gamemodes\SFDM.pwn(1205) : warning 225: unreachable code
K:\MyOldCom\DeathMatch\gamemodes\SFDM.pwn(1227) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
	    if(strcmp(DOF2_GetString(UserFile(playerid),"ClanName"), ClanWarName1, true) != 0 || strcmp(DOF2_GetString(UserFile(playerid),"ClanName"), ClanWarName2, true) != 0)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, CRed, "");
        if(strcmp(DOF2_GetString(UserFile(playerid),"ClanName"), ClanWarName1, true) != 0) {
if(strcmp(DOF2_GetString(UserFile(j),"ClanName"), cmd, true) == 0 || strcmp(DOF2_GetString(UserFile(j),"ClanName"), tmp, true) == 0) {
Please, Help Me [;

Re: Errors [; - Laure - 21.04.2012

Dude first of all u have your symbol missing and thats ; that should be included after ); like this try adding that to the error line and re-compile

Re: Errors [; - Rudy_ - 21.04.2012

	    if(strcmp(DOF2_GetString(UserFile(playerid),"ClanName"), ClanWarName1, true) != 0 || strcmp(DOF2_GetString(UserFile(playerid),"ClanName"), ClanWarName2, true) != 0)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, CRed, "");
        if(strcmp(DOF2_GetString(UserFile(playerid),"ClanName"), ClanWarName1, true) != 0); {
if(strcmp(DOF2_GetString(UserFile(j),"ClanName"), cmd, true) == 0 || strcmp(DOF2_GetString(UserFile(j),"ClanName"), tmp, true) == 0); {

Re: Errors [; - Mr_RokKi3[B] - 21.04.2012

don't work, i have other's errors..

Re: Errors [; - Laure - 21.04.2012

Dude post the Errors here then we can see what is the problem.

Re: Errors [; - Mr_RokKi3[B] - 21.04.2012

Thanks everyone, i reapired the erros..

sory for bad english.