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Help + rep - Printable Version

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Help + rep - redreaper666 - 19.04.2012

Hey guys is there a way to spawn vehicles in interriors so that you can see them ?
means not placing it in the script (vehlines)
if you got something like a minigame and type /join
I am on an invisible sanchez as example
so if you want to spawn cars in interriors they always get invisible or is there a way to fix this ?!

Re: Help + rep - Jonny5 - 19.04.2012
with this function

off topic
you should really try to put more descriptive topic titles
and NEVER include [+rep]

as its ignored by many, im just board today..


Re: Help + rep - Fill - 19.04.2012

Specify the ID of the interior in which you are going to respawn your car.

AW: Help + rep - redreaper666 - 19.04.2012

no i mean if you /join a race you are spawned on a bike allready
and this bike is invisible
its not about placed bikes

Re: Help + rep - Jonny5 - 19.04.2012

yes if its in an interior you must link the vehicle to that interior

read the link i posted above

AW: Help + rep - redreaper666 - 19.04.2012

I need it added here anyhow:
new string[128];
PlayerTime[i] = 0;
GameTextForPlayer(i,"~g~GO GO GO!!!",3000,0);
format(string,sizeof(string),"Time: 00:00~n~CP: ~r~%d/%d",PlayerCP[i]-1,Event[StartedEvent][MaxCP]);