Looking for an assistant -
Ubuntu - 17.04.2012
Hi, I'm looking for an assistant to help me out in a big project.
These are the requirements to be recruited:
-MySQL (Threaded Queries, Troubleshot Knowledge, etc).
If you are interested by the offer send me a PM and I will give you more details.
Re: Looking for an assistant - Guest9328472398472 - 18.04.2012
It's not easy to find many in SAMP who have MySQL Scripting Knowledge.
Re: Looking for an assistant -
Akkzii - 18.04.2012
In case, you dont find any, and your willing to pay, there are something called freelancers, you can sort them out by experience in what ever you wish. however it will cost you something, and they will not be your "assistent".
Just to let you know
Simply just search on ****** for freelancer