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Help, problem - TheBluec0de - 15.04.2012

I have this in my login load values.. when i spawn its ok, but when i death and respawn... scale my money... any ideas ?

                    while (mysql_retrieve_row())
                        mysql_fetch_field_row(string, "Money"); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, strval(string));
                        mysql_fetch_field_row(string, "Score"); SetPlayerScore(playerid, strval(string));
                        mysql_fetch_field_row(string, "Kills"); UserInfo[playerid][User_Kills] = strval(string);
                        mysql_fetch_field_row(string, "Deaths"); UserInfo[playerid][User_Deaths] = strval(string);

Re: Help, problem - IstuntmanI - 15.04.2012

mysql_fetch_field_row(string, "Money"); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, strval(string));
mysql_fetch_field_row(string, "Money"); ResetPlayerMoney(playerid); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, strval(string));

Re: Help, problem - TheBluec0de - 15.04.2012

Nothing changes, when i death and respawn scale my money...

Re: Help, problem - TheBluec0de - 15.04.2012


Re: Help, problem - TheBluec0de - 15.04.2012

help me...

Re: Help, problem - TierraRobadaRoleplay - 15.04.2012

Stop spamming, it's not going to help.
People might be writting their reply out or simply.. don't know.

Re: Help, problem - IstuntmanI - 15.04.2012

OMG, you're mad ... you can bump your topic only at 24 hours from last reply, not every 5-10 minutes...

Look at OnPlayerDeath and OnPlayerSpawn for GivePlayerMoney/ResetPlayerMoney.

I'm not a native english speaker, scale = increase, or decrease ?

Re: Help, problem - TheBluec0de - 15.04.2012

Originally Posted by costel_nistor96
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OMG, you're mad ... you can bump your topic only at 24 hours from last reply, not every 5-10 minutes...

Look at OnPlayerDeath and OnPlayerSpawn for GivePlayerMoney/ResetPlayerMoney.

I'm not a native english speaker, scale = increase, or decrease ?
Yes, sorry.

decrease is the problem...

In the callback OnPlayerDeath and OnplayerSpawn, I have nothing

Re: Help, problem - IstuntmanI - 15.04.2012

Decrease some amount, or at 0$ ? If at 0$, search in your script for ResetPlayerMoney, if some amount, search for GivePlayerMoney.

Re: Help, problem - TheBluec0de - 15.04.2012

example.. i have 545154 money, and decrase to 545054... and so on