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[FilterScript] Blacklisted Vehicles - Printable Version

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- Deathlane - 15.04.2012


Re: Blacklisted Vehicles - Deathlane - 15.04.2012

Removed Comment - 26/10/2012

Respuesta: Blacklisted Vehicles - aNdReSk - 15.04.2012

Maybe destroy it? cuz if you spawn it, cant use it, nobody can destroy it either

Re: Blacklisted Vehicles - Ryan_Obeles - 15.04.2012


Re: Blacklisted Vehicles - Niko_boy - 15.04.2012

huh Why use OnPlayerUpdate
Simply use state change would be better
OnPlayerStateChange(playerid , oldstate , newstate);
WOuld be 50 ^% better

Re: Blacklisted Vehicles - sjvt - 15.04.2012

Originally Posted by Niko_boy
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huh Why use OnPlayerUpdate
Simply use state change would be better
OnPlayerStateChange(playerid , oldstate , newstate);
WOuld be 50 ^% better
Like he said, if you use alot of code in OnPlayerUpdate you want have lagg ^^

Re: Blacklisted Vehicles - Deathlane - 16.04.2012


@aNdReSk... Maybe you can make it for admins only
pawn Code:

Re: Blacklisted Vehicles - Mr.Faqahat - 16.04.2012

i found have a problem with this thing but its awsome hope you can fix it !!

Re: Blacklisted Vehicles - Deathlane - 16.04.2012

Of course I made it blacklisted -.-

Re: Blacklisted Vehicles - [HB]Billaboi - 16.04.2012

Nice sricpt marc keep it up