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[Include] FirstPerson [0.3e] - Printable Version

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FirstPerson [0.3e] - Jack_Wilson - 11.04.2012



This include requires a file from the YSI library ( and can be found by clicking here.
This include provides basic functionality of FPS to users who are in need of it.
Camera has been disabled while inside vehicles because the aim of this include is provide simple functions, and it would require many offsets to be set for each vehicle.

The following functions are provided inside the include, and you require version 0.3e to use this include. Enjoy, use it whatever way you want to.

Re: FirstPerson [0.3e] - Kar - 11.04.2012

Great release.

Re: FirstPerson [0.3e] - Shetch - 11.04.2012

Sounds amazing.
Could you add some screens or maybe a video?

Re: FirstPerson [0.3e] - Jack_Wilson - 11.04.2012

Originally Posted by Shetch
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Sounds amazing.
Could you add some screens or maybe a video?
I'm lazy to install 0.3e but I will try to do it asap.

Re: FirstPerson [0.3e] - Sphex - 11.04.2012

Thank you very much! It's sounds awesome! As Shetch said, a screenshot/video will be really helpful.
I personally don't think it's too useful, but okay.. Maybe there are some servers out there that needs it .
BTW: Do you mind uploading it to pastebin?
Thanks again .

Re: FirstPerson [0.3e] - MA_proking - 11.04.2012

nice work dude...

Re: FirstPerson [0.3e] - Rapgangsta - 11.04.2012

Originally Posted by Jack_Wilson
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I'm lazy to install 0.3e but I will try to do it asap.
You're relasing a script that you didn't tested?

Re: FirstPerson [0.3e] - .PlaYer. - 11.04.2012

Movie? Screen?
Nice filterscript ,

Re: FirstPerson [0.3e] - Hanger - 11.04.2012

Is it working properly for bikes, police enforcer, bus as well?

Re: FirstPerson [0.3e] - Jack_Wilson - 12.04.2012

Originally Posted by Rapgangsta
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You're relasing a script that you didn't tested?
I tested it of course, but this was ages ago in 0.3e R5.

Originally Posted by Hanger
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Is it working properly for bikes, police enforcer, bus as well?
I haven't enabled it for vehicles, couldn't be bothered doing the offsets for each vehicle.