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Midostream problem - the_zohan - 10.04.2012

i have a server and it uses midostream filterscript and object dont appear well , i can only see object when i touch them and from a distance i cant see them and if i dont use midostream filterscript objects are not there now what? help please

Re: Problem here - the_zohan - 10.04.2012

and is there any alternative of midostream

Re: Problem here - the_zohan - 10.04.2012


Re: Problem here - lekizinho - 10.04.2012

Try editing the draw distance huh'?

Re: Problem here - the_zohan - 10.04.2012


Re: Problem here - the_zohan - 10.04.2012

i cant see the object from far but when i go near them only then i can see

Re: Problem here - lekizinho - 10.04.2012

Should be something like this in your gamemode:
CreateStreamObject(971, 22.344, 6543.454, 34.556, 0.444, 6.000, 0.000, 200.0);
Just replace the last Float(200 in the case of the sample) of the object with the draw distance you want. 300 is the maximum

Re: Problem here - the_zohan - 11.04.2012

u mean replace this " 200.0 " to 300?

Re: Problem here - the_zohan - 11.04.2012

it was 250.0) in the end i changed it to 300.0) but no effect

Re: Problem here - freddy smyth - 11.04.2012

Use Incognito's object streamer or something?