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Why my gametext dont show full? - Printable Version

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Why my gametext dont show full? - Admigo - 06.04.2012

Heey all,

I made a gametext with a string but when i show it i only see:
attempt to rape admigo
Why i dont see the whole text?
new string4[256];
		format(string4,sizeof(string4),"~r~Attempt To Rape %s Failed! ",PlayerName(ID));
How can i fix this?
I dont see anything wrong here,

Thanks Admigo

Re: Why my gametext dont show full? - DR3AD - 06.04.2012

new name[24];
new string4[256];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
format(string4, sizeof(string4), "~r~Attempt To Rape %s Failed! ", name);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string4, 3000, 5);
Try it this way
Actually, I dont see anything wrong there too