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sound problem. - Printable Version

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sound problem. - oscar7610 - 03.04.2012

I only hear the sound when player connect others wont.

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)

SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFF00AA,"Use /stopmusic to stop the music");
TogglePlayerClock(playerid, 0); // Show the clock
PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, "");
return 1;

Re: sound problem. - Cjgogo - 03.04.2012

You mean only ID 0 hears the song?

Re: sound problem. - Reklez - 03.04.2012

You want every time someone connects the sound will be hear by everyone even they are spawned?
if you say so loop it something like this

pawn Код:
for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
       PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(i, "");

Re: sound problem. - Cjgogo - 03.04.2012

I think he wants only players that are on connecting stage to hear sound

Re: sound problem. - Reklez - 03.04.2012

Originally Posted by Cjgogo
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I think he wants only players that are on connecting stage to hear sound
Originally Posted by oscar7610
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I only hear the sound when player connect others wont.
it is clear to you? he wants to make all players hear the sound.

Re: sound problem. - oscar7610 - 03.04.2012

yes all players

Re: sound problem. - oscar7610 - 03.04.2012

I want all players to hear this sound how can I make it? please when they connect but when they spawn the music stops or /stopmusic to stop. I can hear the music but others not

Re: sound problem. - oscar7610 - 04.04.2012

someone pls?