Server crashes 20 seconds after it starts -
DBan - 03.04.2012
My GameMode runs fine on my computer, but while on Volt-Host it crashes 20 seconds after the server is started. I opened a ticket with them but I do suspect that there is something wrong with my GM since the server I have on Volt Host has no problems with other gamemodes.
I noticed that when I start my server on my computer (localhost), it prints 2 empty lines after about 20 seconds of running. I think that causes the Volt-Host server to crash. The server log does not show anything except that the 2 lines printed were empty.
Any solutions to this mysterious problem
Server log (localhost)
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3d-R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team
[18:46:34] filterscripts = "" (string)
[18:46:34] Server Plugins
[18:46:34] --------------
[18:46:34] Loading plugin: sscanf
[18:46:34] ===============================
[18:46:34] sscanf plugin loaded.
[18:46:34] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole
[18:46:34] ===============================
[18:46:34] Loaded.
[18:46:34] Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[18:46:34] ==================
[18:46:34] Whirlpool loaded
[18:46:34] ==================
[18:46:34] Loaded.
[18:46:34] Loading plugin: streamer
*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 R2 by Incognito loaded ***
[18:46:34] Loaded.
[18:46:34] Loaded 3 plugins.
[18:46:35] Ban list
[18:46:35] --------
[18:46:35] Loaded: samp.ban
[18:46:35] Filterscripts
[18:46:35] ---------------
[18:46:35] Loaded 0 filterscripts.
[18:46:35] =======================================
[18:46:35] | |
[18:46:35] | YSI version 3.01.0002 |
[18:46:35] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[18:46:35] | |
[18:46:35] =======================================
[18:46:35] Server password has been removed.
[18:46:35] Only create trains with AddStaticVehicle/Ex
[18:46:35] 265 items loaded from '' in 56ms
[18:46:35] 16 items loaded from '' in 19ms
[18:46:35] 25 items loaded from '' in 8ms
[18:46:35] 13 items loaded from '' in 11ms
[18:46:35] 54 items loaded from '' in 12ms
[18:46:35] ==> LasVegasCNR (OnGameModeInit Complete)
[18:46:35] => LasVegasCNR loaded
[18:46:35] Number of vehicle models: 92
As you can see those two empty lines were printed at the bottom, and it causes the Volt-Host server to crash and restart (my assumption)
Re: Server crashes 20 seconds after it starts -
TzAkS. - 03.04.2012
Do you have scriptfiles from pc?
Re: Server crashes 20 seconds after it starts -
DBan - 03.04.2012
Originally Posted by TzAkS.
Do you have scriptfiles from pc?
Yep, and the only scriptfiles my server uses are the ones listed in the server log (the .map's)
Re: Server crashes 20 seconds after it starts -
Mark™ - 03.04.2012
Install crashdetect v4.6 from Plugin section, and debug the gamemode if necessary.
Re: Server crashes 20 seconds after it starts -
DBan - 03.04.2012
Originally Posted by Xtreme_playa
Install crashdetect v4.6 from Plugin section, and debug the gamemode if necessary.
I'm still not finding any solutions even with crashdetect.
I just discovered that my Volt-Host server doesn't crash 20 seconds after it starts, it rather crashes seconds after someone connects. BUT I still suspect the 2 empty line prints are associated with the crashing problem.
Respuesta: Server crashes 20 seconds after it starts -
dark5895 - 08.04.2014
[18:46:35] Server password has been removed. ?ї
[18:46:34] filterscripts = "" (string) Remove Filterscripts to Server.cfg
[18:46:35] Only create trains with AddStaticVehicle/Ex Esto rpovoca el Crash
Re: Server crashes 20 seconds after it starts -
Vince - 08.04.2014
Originally Posted by DBan
Wait, what?
Edit: nevermind, user above me bumped 2 year old thread. -.-