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IDs bug - Printable Version

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IDs bug - JoeyDeBlob - 02.04.2012

Hey there. I need help. lol.

I have a script and the IDs are totally fucked up.

For example, if I'm the only one online in the server, ID 0, I'm using the command /kick, USAGE is /kick [id] [reason], so for example like this: /kick 7 test - and it kicks me.

Any idea how to fix that shit? :O!

Re: IDs bug - GtasaPoliceModz - 02.04.2012

Q: Are you using sscanf? (I Know the problem)
A: If you are update your sscanf and it should work perfectly.

Re: IDs bug - BleverCastard - 02.04.2012

Update your Scanff to the latest version.

Re: IDs bug - JoeyDeBlob - 02.04.2012

I got a prob if so. Yes, I am using sscanf, but - I have no idea what's the current latest version. Can anyone give me a link?

Re: IDs bug - AlTy - 02.04.2012

Forum needs u to wait 30 secounds crap -.-

Re: IDs bug - JoeyDeBlob - 02.04.2012

Originally Posted by AlTy
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Forum needs u to wait 30 secounds crap -.-
Thanks bro ! i rep u

Re: IDs bug - JoeyDeBlob - 02.04.2012

Aww:S it doesn't work. New problem appeared. When I open samp_server.exe, it spams: "sscanf error: System not initialised."