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Bug or wrong code? "gamer931215" - Printable Version

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Bug or wrong code? "gamer931215" - Gooday - 02.04.2012

I tried using this:

But when i enter a car it says "FUEL: 0" and when i refuel "FUEL:100" but it never downgrade! Why? +REP!

Re: Bug or wrong code? "gamer931215" - freddy smyth - 02.04.2012

Are you running it as a filterscript? It may be conflicting with something in the Gamemode or another FS.

Re: Bug or wrong code? "gamer931215" - Gooday - 02.04.2012

I tried to add it in My GM and it didnt work so i tried as FS and still no work I got no eerrors /warns