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ddos prodection - Printable Version

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ddos prodection - mevi - 31.03.2012

Is there any ddos protection for debian?

Re: ddos prodection - Mauzen - 31.03.2012

Search for "connection limiter scripts" (mostly using netstat), its the most simple thing that already gives good protection.

Re: ddos prodection - mevi - 31.03.2012

thank you ill look into it

Re: ddos prodection - XFlawless - 31.03.2012

IP Tables, chkrootkit, TCP Dump and keep your server softwares up to date. If you are being ddos there are two ways to stop it

1) Null route the IP.
2) Invest thousands of dollars into hardware firewall.

Re: ddos prodection - mevi - 31.03.2012

Thnx for the info