Its not an error its a warning, It doesn't matter, However if you do not know what that is then I don't reccomend making a script.
pawn Код:
new Target;
new Reason[128];
if(!sscanf(params, "us[32]",Target, Reason))
if(Target == playerid) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "SERVER: Cant perform this command on yourself!");
if(!IsPlayerConnected(Target)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "ERROR: Player is not connected!");
new tname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; // Here on this line is pawn error
new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new rstring[256];
format(rstring,sizeof(rstring),"* Player %s(%d) reported %s(%d)! (Reason: %s)", pname,playerid,tname,Target,Reason);
new File:Log = fopen(reportPATH, io_append);
new logData[128];
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new fTime[6];
getdate(fTime[0], fTime[1], fTime[2]);
gettime(fTime[3], fTime[4], fTime[5]);
format(logData, sizeof logData, "[%02d/%02d/%04d || %02d:%02d:%02d]%s got reported by %s! (Reason: %s)\r\n", fTime[2], fTime[1], fTime[0], fTime[3], fTime[4], fTime[5], tname, pname, Reason);
fwrite(Log, logData);
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "USAGE: /report <playerid> <reason>");
return 1;
and do what daniel said, this is only a warning but most of times loose identitation can affect it...
anyways loose identitation means that you have something on a different line then it swhould be.. in this case it was your closing bracket( } ), i placed it 1 TAB back and then its fixed