Creating a Skin Selection -
Reklez - 23.03.2012
Is it possible to make a Skin Selection just like OnPlayerRequestClass
so here let me explain it
if player go to the skin pickup's he will go to Skin Selection.
which is i gonna use SetPlayerCamPosLookAt (my func) and SetPlayerVWIPosAng (also my func)
is this possible without doing ForceClassSelection?
Re: Creating a Skin Selection -
Tom1412 - 23.03.2012
yeah you can.
on the skin pick up you want to do
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0);
and that will give them class selection
Re: Creating a Skin Selection -
Reklez - 23.03.2012
no i mean if player pick the skinpickup he will go to Skin Selection
which is i need to use OnPlayerKeyStateChange instead of ForceClassSelection
Re: Creating a Skin Selection -
Tom1412 - 23.03.2012
yeah you can have onplayerpickup he/she gets send to onplayerclass.
Re: Creating a Skin Selection -
emokidx - 23.03.2012
Re: Creating a Skin Selection -
Reklez - 23.03.2012
i know how to use the OnPlayerPickUpPickup, but i want a skin selection without using ForceClassSelection, i just want to use something like OnPlayerKeyStateChange to choose a skin.
Re: Creating a Skin Selection -
Reklez - 24.03.2012
Now the question is how to check the next skin id example
i'm using skin id 0, then how to check the next skin id?
Re: Creating a Skin Selection -
Reklez - 24.03.2012
new question
Re: Creating a Skin Selection -
Jonny5 - 24.03.2012
well just like samp,
make an array of your custom player classes
and store the skin ID, and any other info you may need to know about the skin, like group/team ect..
Re: Creating a Skin Selection -
[ABK]Antonio - 24.03.2012
Yes, it is possible.
pawn Код:
new bool:InClassSelection[MAX_PLAYERS] = false; //outside of everything
CMD:changeclass(playerid, params[])
InClassSelection[playerid] = true;
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0);
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xCC0000AA, "You're already in the class selection!");
return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
//set their camera pos etc.
//everything else on OnPlayerSpawn
I couldn't get my class selection working because I was having problems with getting the left and right arrow keys...Don't know why they were messing up, maybe you'll have better luck.