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Long time didn't have no prob.. Please help + rep - Printable Version

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Long time didn't have no prob.. Please help + rep - Scrillex - 22.03.2012

error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
stock ReturnPlayerZone(playerid)
	new playerzone[256] = "Unknown";
	for(new j; j < sizeof(zones); j++)
		if(IsPlayerInZone(playerid,j))//this line
			memcpy(playerzone, zones[j][zone_name], 0, 108);
    return playerzone;

Re: Long time didn't have no prob.. Please help + rep - Scrillex - 22.03.2012

Please some one....

Re: Long time didn't have no prob.. Please help + rep - Twisted_Insane - 22.03.2012

You don't need the playerid there if you're already using the loop:

pawn Код:

Re: Long time didn't have no prob.. Please help + rep - Vince - 22.03.2012

InPlayerInZone requires the zone name to be inputted as string. But why bother writing your own function if there's already one available?
pawn Код:
stock GetPlayer2DZone(playerid, zone[], len=sizeof zone) //Credits to Cueball, Betamaster, Mabako, and Simon (for finetuning).
    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
    GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
    for(new i = 0; i != sizeof(gSAZones); i++ )
        if(x >= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][0] && x <= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][3] && y >= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][1] && y <= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][4])
            return format(zone, len, gSAZones[i][SAZONE_NAME], 0);
    return 0;