server.cfg(Rep+) - Printable Version
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server.cfg(Rep+) -
Georgi166 - 20.03.2012
Alright..All my stuff are uploaded.
Starting server...Error..
I think that the problem is in my server.cfg
Can somebody explain What and How should i write on it for Linux.
Re: server.cfg(Rep+) -
Twisted_Insane - 20.03.2012
How about SHOWING us the error?
Re: server.cfg(Rep+) -
Georgi166 - 20.03.2012
Nevermind i found the problem, I cant upload streamer to the host.
Re: server.cfg(Rep+) -
[UE]Milan - 20.03.2012
May be your FTP clients problem.i had the timeout problem and i asked my friend to do it.
Re: server.cfg(Rep+) -
ColorHost-Kevin - 20.03.2012
Ask your host if they can help you with your streamer issue.