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VOLT HOST Problem - Printable Version

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VOLT HOST Problem - Spooky - 19.03.2012

I have uploaded my gamemode successfully and then clicked on Start server
but nothing happens, Server did not start.
Please help me, Its good if you help me via Teamviewer.

Re: VOLT HOST Problem - [UE]Milan - 19.03.2012

Look at the server log.You will find whats wrong.

Re: VOLT HOST Problem - Spooky - 19.03.2012

Nothing, i have seen it just not turns on and server.log did not get any of lines, just empty as it was last.

Re: VOLT HOST Problem - iLinx - 19.03.2012

Open a support ticket and we can assist you.

Re: VOLT HOST Problem - Spooky - 19.03.2012

Already done.

Re: VOLT HOST Problem - Spooky - 19.03.2012

Thanks to all who tried to help.
Rep+, Its working now.

I dont know what was the problem everything was updated and running on 0.3d but I used volt host update and one click mod installer system, and it worked.


I prefer you to use it.

Re: VOLT HOST Problem - MaximumGaming - 19.03.2012

Ahhh I had the same problem but I fixed It!

1) Go to upgrade and put ur sever to 0.3d and try again

If still don't work add me on MSN,Skype, Or come on teamspeak 3

Re: VOLT HOST Problem - Routzi - 19.03.2012

I had that problem too, you messed up something in the server.cfg, which i did a week ago, and the server didn`t start, but i replaced the entire server.cfg to see if it works, and it worked. I still don`t know what the hell i edited in the server.cfg that stopped my server to start.

Re: VOLT HOST Problem - petrolhead - 19.03.2012

there someone must make sticky topics that before posting help about hosts,use their support tickets.

Re: VOLT HOST Problem - Spooky - 20.03.2012

I already said that I am good now.
Its now fixed, btw Thanks for helping me.