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[FilterScript] Gamelaster's Anti AirBRK[GAIB] - Printable Version

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Gamelaster's Anti AirBRK[GAIB] - gamelaster - 16.03.2012

Hi, im created the new inteligently Anti AirBRK. Set custom the timer and values for anti AirBRK!!! GAIB is secured for warps and others...

(Im dont using n00beit...)

Direct Link


Re: Gamelaster's Anti AirBRK[GAIB] - SimonItaly - 16.03.2012

I didn't look so much at the code, but you've to change

pawn Код:
stock IsPlayerInAirPlane(vehicleid)

pawn Код:
stock IsPlayerInAirPlane(playerid)

Respuesta: Gamelaster's Anti AirBRK[GAIB] - Marricio - 16.03.2012

You should also check if the player is on a mountain, such as M. chilliad, or is surfing in a airplane, wich is common in SAMP..

Re: Gamelaster's Anti AirBRK[GAIB] - Ewwe - 16.03.2012

new name[255];
new out[800];
format(out,sizeof(out),"[GAIB] Player %s has been kicked for using AirBrake!!!",name);


Re: Gamelaster's Anti AirBRK[GAIB] - Face9000 - 17.03.2012

pawn Код:
new name[255];
new out[800];
What the fuck....

Re: Gamelaster's Anti AirBRK[GAIB] - Jochemd - 17.03.2012

pawn Код:
   new a[][] =
      "Unarmed (Fist)",
      "Brass K"
   #pragma unused a
This is a public script so why protect it with Anti-DeAMX? Also, its not AirBrake but Airbreak

Re: Gamelaster's Anti AirBRK[GAIB] - Max_Coldheart - 17.03.2012

We can see n0beit so there's no reason to deny you aren't using it.

Re: Gamelaster's Anti AirBRK[GAIB] - Jochemd - 17.03.2012

Originally Posted by CookieJar
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We can see n0beit so there's no reason to deny you aren't using it.
He probably only used it for this

Re: Gamelaster's Anti AirBRK[GAIB] - Max_Coldheart - 17.03.2012

Originally Posted by Jochemd
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He probably only used it for this
But it's always possible that he uses it anyway

Re: Gamelaster's Anti AirBRK[GAIB] - MehranGta - 13.11.2014

Originally Posted by Jochemd
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pawn Код:
   new a[][] =
      "Unarmed (Fist)",
      "Brass K"
   #pragma unused a
This is a public script so why protect it with Anti-DeAMX? Also, its not AirBrake but Airbreak
Both of them are true...