help with damage - Printable Version
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help with damage -
Blunt P - 16.03.2012
Hey guys,
Is there any Possibillity to deactivate "OnPlayerTakeDamage" or make the damage at least 0?
I hope someone knows a method.
Re: help with damage -
new121 - 16.03.2012
What so like players dont take any damage at all?
AW: Re: help with damage -
Blunt P - 16.03.2012
Originally Posted by new121
What so like players dont take any damage at all?
Re: help with damage -
Babul - 16.03.2012
SetPlayerTeam function will help you disabling "friendly fire".
AW: Re: help with damage -
Blunt P - 16.03.2012
Originally Posted by Babul
the SetPlayerTeam function will help you disabling "friendly fire".
ah, thats neat. So it means, when everyone is in Team 1, noone can make damage, is that assumption correkt?
Re: help with damage -
Babul - 16.03.2012
yes. there were some reports about team friendly fire NOT working sometimes, if that ever happens to you, then set all players' team again (refresh them) - this happens sometimes when a new player joins a team, but thats not the problem now
AW: Re: help with damage -
Blunt P - 16.03.2012
Originally Posted by Babul
yes. there were some reports about team friendly fire NOT working sometimes, if that ever happens to you, then set all players' team again (refresh them) - this happens sometimes when a new player joins a team, but thats not the problem now
when i accually did assign people to the same team, they dont do dmg, which accually solved my problem. So now im wondering, if i can "disable" it somehow?
I want to use that command for a teampaintball system, but my problem is, that when ppl leave the paintball, that they should not be in the team anymore.
I would normally use a for loop, but im not happy with those, since they take some ressource ^^
Nevermind, i just assigned the teamvalue to the playerid, so when someone leaves the paintball area, his new team will be the playerid.
thanks for helping