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[HELP]Creating Comand - Printable Version

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[HELP]Creating Comand - 3RoR - 15.03.2012

how to create when a player types: /q /quit and to show him a dialog Do you realy wan't to quit the game and a Sub
Yes \ No ..

Re: [HELP]Creating Comand - emokidx - 15.03.2012

you cannot as far as i know. that command is inbuilt in the sa-mp client.

Re: [HELP]Creating Comand - Max_Coldheart - 15.03.2012

Originally Posted by emokidx111
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you cannot as far as i know. that command is inbuilt in the sa-mp client.
This. The /q command is built in SA-MP client, so it can't be disabled / enabled / modified in any way.