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Problem | file Functions - Printable Version

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Problem | file Functions - Dan_S - 15.03.2012

Hello samp forum !,
my name is Dan and i have problem .

So I started a register System for my mode
and i scripting system System With include file
Now I have a problem with taking Password
I did like this:

PHP код:
        new File:gPass fopen(file(playerid), io_read);
and :

PHP код:
if(!strcmp(inputtext,fread(gPass"Password"), true)) 
But I get ERROR :

PHP код:
C:\Users\Intel\Desktop\MyServer\gamemodes\NewMode.pwn(237) : error 035argument type mismatch (argument 2
I start with the file and I do not see the problem?
Plese Help me !

AW: Problem | file Functions - BigETI - 15.03.2012

This is actually not a SA:MP bug.
Post here your problem:

Anyways fread will not return a string. You have to loop through your whole file by using
pawn Код:
while(fread(file, buffer))
    //Compare here the buffer array with your constant string.